People generally like wherever they come from. The appeals of familiarity enhance feelings of comfort and nostalgia whenever they travel home or whenever the pass by something that reminds them of home.
But there is something about Stamford, CT, that evokes those same feelings of being home in the thousands of travelers that pass through the city every year. Maybe it is the uniqueness that Stamford holds that appeals to many individuals.
Unlike other towns and cities, Stamford seems to cater to nearly every personality longing for their home environment while simultaneously providing an area of new adventure or exposure to those who seek such a destination. With the Stamford Museum and Nature Center and other nature inspired cultural centers, Stamford can have a distinctly small town feel centered on nature and can allow children the opportunity of exploring the wonders of nature, animals, and agriculture.
Or, with Cove Island Park, a family can experience a true New England summer vacation as the friendly confines of the cove invite simmers and beach goes to its shores. The park is likewise home to beautiful trails for walks and relaxation.
If one has had their fill of both nature and the New England coast, then Stamford can likewise provide for their vacation desires by offering a lively night life, live theaters, indie theaters like the Avon Theater Film Center which shows independent films, classic films and documentaries, and other areas of entertainment and cultural appeal.
There is something about Stamford that can create the feeling of home for people from all areas of the country, and there is something about Stamford that allows for vacationers to come participate in a life they have yet to experience.