Hotel Zero Degrees Norwalk is now The Watershed!

To book or for more information, please visit or call 203-750-9800

Many people are becoming more conscious of their carbon footprint not just at home, but when they travel as well. Hotels around the globe are responding to the desires of their guests by going green, and Hotel Zero Degrees is leading the pack toward sustainability and environmental responsibility.

In the past, hotels have been incredibly wasteful. From using disposable paper cups, to wasted food and endless cycles of unnecessary laundry, a hotel typically left a very large carbon footprint. Thankfully, many hotels are moving away from the carelessness of the past and are working to be more energy efficient.

An Emphasis on Recycling
Many of our guests recycle in their homes, and at Hotel Zero Degrees, we feel it’s our duty to them, and also to the environment, to recycle as much as we can in our hotel.

While many hotels offer in-room recycling for their guests, we take it a step further by using composted cups and utensils, as well as recycled office materials. We use water efficient bathroom fixtures, as well as energy efficient LED lights, drastically reducing our energy consumption.

Locally Sources Food and Production
Every hotel has a great opportunity to positively impact not only the environment but also their local communities. One great way to do this is to source organic, locally grown food for hotel kitchens.

At Hotel Zero Degrees, our goal is to purchase as much as we can from our local Connecticut community. Whether it’s by buying food from local organic farms, or buying furniture and other products from responsible local companies, we try our best to do our part to support our community, and be more sustainable at the same time.

Taking our guest’s lead
Environmental responsibility can be tough, but at Hotel Zero Degrees we receive great inspiration from our guests. Green living is important to the people we serve, and we want to do our part for the planet as well.

Why Hotels are Going Green