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The world is becoming more and more accessible, and for female travelers especially, seeing the world is becoming more of a possibility and a priority.  As amazing as travel can be, there are a few things to keep in mind so that your journey is as safe and memorable as possible.

  1. Prepare Before You Go.  One of the best things you can do to ensure that you stay safe throughout your travels is to prepare before you go.  Learn a few key phrases (like “help” or “call the police” and “where is the bathroom”) so you can be confident in your ability to get out of a tough situation.  Also, choose a hotel that is located in a safe neighborhood.
  2. Stay in Contact.  Whether you decide to call, email, keep up your blog, or post on Facebook, communicating with the folks back home will ensure that someone will notice if something goes wrong.  Plus, this stream of communication will give you a sweet record of your time abroad.
  3. Keep it Light on the Streets.  As you take to the streets, try to keep your belongings to a minimum.  This will keep you from looking like a viable target.  Try to stick with just your hotel key card, a credit card, and some cash.  This will keep things simple and keep your hands free.

As you venture out into the world, remember that your safety is a top priority.  The world is there for you to see, so take advantage of it, and have the experience of a life time!

Smart Travel as an Independent Female

Being sick is never any fun, but there is not anything worse than getting sick while you are away from home.  Whether you are traveling for business, or on vacation, staying healthy is key to having a great experience and making the most of your time away from home.

Because your travel should be be a productive and exciting time, you should never have to spend it sick! Here are a few tips for staying healthy while you travel.

  1. Prepare First.  Before you go on your trip is the best time to begin your travels to healthiness.  Spend the first few days before your trip getting ready by sleeping enough, taking a multi-vitamin, and stocking up on vitamin c.
  2. Manage Stress.  Once you are on your trip, it is important that you stay on top of your stress to ensure that your body is as healthy and capable as possible—whether this means taking some time to meditate, get a massage, or spend some time by the pool.
  3. Make Good Food Choices.  On vacation, it can be pretty easy to rely on a diet of fast food, potato chips, and snack cakes; however, it is a good idea to try to keep your diet healthy while you are away from home so you can make the most of your trip.  It is also important to stay hydrated.

No matter where you are traveling, staying healthy is important to the success of your trip.  So, as you plan your next trip away from home, make your health a focus!

Maximize Your Travel Experience by Staying Healthy

Whether you are in charge of planning a wedding reception or a business party, it’s important to know a few basic tips about event planning before you get started. Every event is unique and different, but the planning stages are the same.

Know Your Budget
Don’t get ahead of yourself before you even start. Look at how much money you have in the budget and make sure you stay within it. Keep in mind that the budget will be paying for everything from the venue and catering to the decorations and entertainment. If your budget allows, you can even hire a professional to be able to figure out that budget for you. Either way, commit to staying within your budget.

Plan Early
This is not the type of thing you want to save until the last minute. If your event is in the winter, it’s not too soon to start thinking about the perfect venue while it’s still summer- or even the winter previous. Popular places book up fast, so start looking around for multiple options. Don’t decide on anything simply based on looking at the website or a one-time visit to the venue. Talk with vendors and see what they have to offer. Don’t be afraid to haggle down on the price, either.

Be Conscious of Food
Depending on what you are celebrating, different foods and drinks are appropriate for different events. For example, it may not be appropriate to have a bar at a Bar Mitzvah, but you may want glasses of champagne to toast at a wedding reception.

Follow these tips and you’ll be on the right track to planning a successful event!

Event Planning 101

Running a small business can be extremely hard work.  Most small business owners find themselves working much harder than their friends and acquaintances who have jobs at larger companies.  However, while the workload is daunting enough, it is often the financial aspect of running a small business that can cause the most trouble.  Here are a few suggestions on how you can keep your finances in order.

Keep Things Separate
While it may seem more convenient to buy something with your business credit card when it’s handy, this can quickly become complicated.  Save yourself the headache and keep transactions separate from the start.

Don’t Do It Alone
Just because you run a small business, doesn’t mean you have to do everything by yourself.  You may find that hiring an accountant to help you with your finances will help you save money in the long run.

Make Time to Review Your Finances
While it may not be your favorite thing to do, reserve 15-30 minutes each week to go over your financial situation.  Being continually appraised of where your business stands financially is an important aspect of running it.

Consider the Labor
Labor is more expensive than most people realize.  Keeping good track of exactly how much you are paying others to work for you can help keep costs manageable.

5 Tips to Keep Your Small Business Finances in Order