Hotel Zero Degrees Norwalk is now The Watershed!

To book or for more information, please visit or call 203-750-9800

Whether you are visiting Norwalk on business or with family, finding ways to make your trip more exciting can be a great way to make your experience memorable.  Norwalk has some pretty awesome sites, and if you have the time, you should check out the three best attractions in Norwalk:

  1. The Maritime Aquarium—this attraction is the perfect way to break up the monotony of a business day.  Take some time to check out the animals in the aquarium, and post a picture of you and a seal to your Facebook page! This will be sure to make your trip more memorable.
  2. Stepping Stones Museum for Children—this site is perfect for you and your family to take some time to not only make a memory but also to learn something new.  This attraction has something for everyone, and you and your children will leave with new (or renewed) excitement for the world!
  3. Sheffield Island Lighthouse and Nature Trail—whether you dig lighthouses, or just need an excuse to see the ocean, this attraction is a great choice for any visitor.  Located on an island, you can visit this lighthouse via a trip on the C.J. Toth catamaran. Make your trip an adventure with a visit to this lighthouse!

No matter what brought you to Norwalk, you will find your trip to be much more fulfilling if you take some time to see the sites and truly experience the area.  Make your trip memorable and see the sites today!

Making the Most of Your Trip to Norwalk

For a regular business traveler, your office is basically the airport. You’re almost always on the move and when you’re not, your bags are packed and ready to go. Having an airport for an office isn’t ideal, but here are a few ways to make your life easier and reap some benefits.

Conserve Space in your Suitcase
Knowing what not to pack can be just as important as knowing what to pack. Carrying around heavy suitcases will wear you down, so always try to keep it as light as possible. Don’t pack the amenities you know your hotel will offer, such as shampoo, soap, and a hair dryer. If you can consolidate everything you need into one carry-on bag, you can save time picking it up from baggage claim.

Earn Points on your Credit Cards
Consider the airlines you frequently fly and the hotels you frequently stay in (or want to stay in), and get the appropriate credit cards in order to rack up those frequent flier points. Anything you earn while on the job should be able to benefit you while you’re on vacation, too. The more points you accrue on your cards, the closer you are to earning free flights. In addition, your status with the airline will only continue to get higher, giving you more perks like early boarding. Remember to always be smart about your cards, points, and budgeting.

BYOW: Bring Your Own Wi-fi
Depending on the airport you’re in, you may or may not have free wi-fi. When you’re traveling for business, it’s best not to take any risks. Thankfully, there’s a “travel-size” wi-fi you can carry with you anywhere. It’s called MiFi, and it’s offered by brands like Verizon and AT&T. Use it anywhere you go, in the airport, on the plane, or in your hotel. You can be confident that you’ll always be able to stay connected.

Keep Track of your Business Expenses
The worst part of traveling for business is coming home and sorting through the receipts to ensure that you get reimbursed for everything. It’s a nightmare when you lose a receipt and have to pay out of pocket for a business expense. Never lose another receipt again with the smartphone app Lemon. It allows you to compile pictures of your receipts all in one place and easily create summary reports that are print-ready.

Pack an Empty Water Bottle
If you travel often, you know that traveling makes you thirsty. Airports, however, are the worst place to buy water bottles. In order to save money, it’s best to invest in a water bottle to carry with you on all your trips. Fill it up at a drinking fountain and if you’re worried about keeping it clean, make sure your water bottle has a filter. Most of them cost around $25 and are available online.

If your business travels bring you to the beautiful state of Connecticut, take a load off and relax here at Hotel Zero Degrees.

Tips for Business Travelers

The big day is coming up and you have a lot to plan. You are excited about picking out the wedding dress, but if you are like most people, you might leave off choosing a wine until the last minute. Here are a few tips to help you choose which wine will be best for your wedding.

Reception Type
Depending on how large and how long you plan for your reception to be, you may only need a few wines or you may be looking at buying a fair amount.

If you are not planning on providing a full meal to your guests, just some simple appetizers or hors d’oeuvres, you will not need anything more than one red wine, one white wine, and champagne for the toasts.

If your party is larger and you plan on providing a meal in addition to the smaller hors d’oeuvres, you can plan on having one red and one white for the beginning cocktails, an additional red and white wine for the meal, and champagne for toasting.

Test It Out
Try as many flavors as you can, or stick to the flavors that you know you love. Either way, make sure it complements the food you plan on serving to your guests. Recently, the trend has been to choose wines that do not necessarily go well with the food being served. However, try to stick to things that go well together.

Last, but not least, do not forget to offer a sparkling drink option for those that do not, or cannot, drink alcohol.

Tips for Choosing Your Wedding Wine