Hotel Zero Degrees Norwalk is now The Watershed!

To book or for more information, please visit or call 203-750-9800

Whether you are getting married or hosting a business event, you want to be able to quickly and easily find the best venue. Unfortunately, oftentimes you do not realize what is wrong with your venue until after you have used it. Here are some tips from the experts to help with your decision and leave you with no regrets.

Is It Appropriate?
When you are in the venue, imagine your guests are there with you. Ask yourself if there is comfortably enough room for everyone, does the venue fit your event, and does it give off the mood you are looking for. If it is not, keep looking for another venue.

Make sure that your guests will be able to see what you want them to at all times. Accommodate for those that may usually have to sit on their parents’ shoulders or for those in wheelchairs. Ensuring good visibility also means checking if the venue has pillars. Columns will block off valuable space you may need for entertainment, as well as diminishing line of sight for many.

Listen carefully to your voice in your venue. Be sure that people will be able to hear themselves talk to each other, while also able to hear the entertainment or the speeches they are meant to hear.

Here at Hotel Zero Degrees Stamford and Norwalk, we work with you to plan your event. With special access to more than a dozen distinct venues in the area as well as our own ballrooms, we are sure to help you find the perfect venue for any celebratory occasion.

Finding the Perfect Venue for Your Next Event

When it comes to your resume, you have an opportunity to show off your skills and experiences in a unique way that makes you even more appealing to all of your prospective employers.  Because resumes are so important to your future, it is a good idea to stand out from the crowd.  By following these few guidelines, you will be able to create a resume that presents you in the best light and will make an awesome impression on your future employer.

  1. Address the Job Directly—This means that when you read the job requirements for a particular position, you should make sure to adapt your resume to reflect your ability to meet the needs of that job.  Using key words and phrases from their job description can help you stand out as the exact kind of candidate they are looking for.
  2. Show, Not Tell—Use expressive power words that show these employers what you have done in the past.  Instead of saying, “Worked hard on projects,” try something more like, “Took initiative in completing tasks efficiently and exceeding expectations.”  Using this kind of wording will set you apart from the crowd.
  3. Use Active Voice—In addition to your word choice, remember to put your resume into active voice, show the things you have “led,” “managed,” or “achieved.”
  4. Keep your Information Measurable—Whenever possible, show your results with numbers and percentages.  Giving specific numerical details provides your employer with an easy image of your success.
  5. Use Simple and Unique Design—An aesthetically pleasing resume will set you apart and show that you have some design skill.  Stick to one or, at most, two fonts, and keep the design consistent throughout your resume.  You will be sure to make a great impression on your future employers.

Resume Tips: 5 Ways to Stand Out

The holiday season is meant to be a fun and carefree time of year—a time when families can be together and friends can, once again, gather to reminisce about old times and create new memories. However, the holidays can be a bubbling cauldron of stress due to the worries and pains of holiday travel. This year, don’t let the small things stress you out.

Instead, take a look at these tips on what NOT to do throughout your holiday travel, and you are bound to have a happier, more enjoyable holiday experience:

  • Do not plan travel days for the busiest dates of the season.  Inevitably, and especially on the weekends surrounding the holidays, there will be delayed flights and busy roads that can rack up the stress of holiday travel.  While most people attribute their terrible travel planning to work schedules, it is almost a guarantee that avoiding the busy travel days of the season will allow you to travel with little delay and minimal stress.
  • If you are flying, do not get carried away with carry-on.  Typically, it is smart to pack all you can into a carry-on bag and avoid the mess of holiday checked baggage, but even the carry-on method can get hectic if you are not careful. If the carry-on is too cumbersome the airline may require that you check even your carry-on at the gate, which gets you nowhere fast.
  • Do not wait long to book flights and other accommodations.  You can instantly relieve the stress of holiday travel if you book flights and other accommodations early.

Follow these tips on what not to do during holiday travel, and you will be sure to have a more enjoyable time this season. Happy Holidays!

What Not to do During Holiday Travel