Hotel Zero Degrees Norwalk is now The Watershed!

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When it comes to the success of your company, there is no doubt that you have the best interests in mind; however, knowing exactly how to best use your time to increase your success can be difficult.  For small businesses, word of mouth is one of the best ways to spread awareness for your company, and networking is one of the best ways to do it! When you network, remember that you are building a support system that will increase the success of your company both now AND in the future!

Quick Tips
One of the most important tips to networking well in a world that is filled with technology is to remember all facets of networking possibilities.  This means that you should work on networking both online and in person.  By building personal, face-to-face, and online relationships with other small businesses and professionals, you will be more approachable, and your associates will have multiple ways to contact you.

The second important tip to good networking is to approach networking as an interesting (and interested) human being, not as a sales person.  By following this rule,  you will be compelling without applying uncomfortable pressure, and you will be perceived as worthwhile as you listen to the other interesting human beings you interact with.

And a third great tip is to follow up on your networking prospects.  Once you have given out your information and received theirs, make contact.  Bring up interesting topics they addressed and show your new associates that you were paying attention and have something to offer!

By following these few pieces of advice, you will be able to increase your network and improve the future of your company.

Networking for the Future

As winter approaches, you may find yourself dying for a break from the cold, wind, and snow that the winter season provides.  As you consider your winter time travel, there are many different places that may seem appealing, and what it comes down to is finding the best choice for you.

Your choice in winter destinations will depend on what you are looking for in a vacation spot.  If you are hoping to take advantage of the cold weather for winter sports, you will have a very different destination than if you are hoping to escape the cold of your home town.  As you decide your priorities for your winter travel, consider the following vacation spots.

  1. For winter sports locations, consider checking out the slopes in Park City, Utah, or Aspen, Colorado.  These locations will give you plenty of outside winter activities to do as well as an opportunity to put on your favorite winter sweater and drink a cup of top-notch hot chocolate.
  2. A warmer but economical destination may be the northern coasts of Florida.  Although the north is a bit cooler than southern Florida, you will skip the crowds and still experience temperatures in the 70’s.
  3. Another great option is a repositioning cruise; these cruises allow riders to experience a relatively long vacation with the opportunity to see many great sights! Take advantage of this kind of cruise to have an exciting winter vacation with your family.

Wherever you decide to go for your winter vacation, remember to have fun and enjoy the season!

Top Winter Travel Destinations

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Mediterraneo is closed due to Covid-19